Monday, January 11, 2010

(S) post

S is for superpower super powers are gotten by people who can do super human things like run super fast, be super strong, walk thought walls, heal any wound, and have telekinesis. Now some people will get their powers thought genetics or by a chemical accident and there are other ways but I'm not going to say them. super power's can make people good or bad well they don't physicaly make them evil but the power gose to their head.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh A.J.! I love your blog post! It definatley makes me want to have superpowers! I would of loved to know what your favourite superpower is though! That would be very interesting. Me? My favourite superpower would have to be the power to pause, rewind, fast-forward, and slow motion time. Really, I just want to have a remote that can control time! Well anyways I absolutley love your blog! Keep it up! ;)
