Tuesday, May 11, 2010

dear 80 year old me

Dear 80 year old me do you remember when you wrought this post? It was in grade 7 2010 Mrs.Weldon's class L.A. class 10:13 AM 70 year 30 minuets and 5 seconds ago. Do you remember when every one thought that to world would end in 2012 and the big thing was i-pods and how many you had? What is the big thing in that time? Remember the time when Andy tried to fake a hotel and called it h'otla that was creative of him. Now that I think about it we had a really wacky class, Mister cool Marcuse, I'm awesome Thomas, picked on me Jake, math dude Micheal, tape your shoulder Liam, horse rider Kate, figure skater Emilie R, actress Hannah, uses her computer allot Emilie N, now it all Darcy, cheer you up Emma, omg girl Brenna, the gymnast Blayne, quiet girl Jamie, tall girl Lyndsey, the in between kid Andy, the annoyance Saski, the follower Ethen, the stats the obvious Hayley, and me.

Is Justin beaber (beaver) still cool or was he finally shut down?
Are you married?
Sorry I'm pelting you with all these questions but I just want to know every thing there is to know about the future.
Do I still play on my Nintendo DS and if not what is the coolest video game system?
How many kids do I have?
I know I'm going to sound silly for asking this but are there flying cars and vans and busses?
I'm going to have to end this post know but don't let go of your child hood.

life lesson: don't let go of your child hood

i commented on christians post U is for Uncumfertible sanddles

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