Tuesday, October 8, 2013
PIMP, all you need to know
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
dear 80 year old me
Is Justin beaber (beaver) still cool or was he finally shut down?
Are you married?
Sorry I'm pelting you with all these questions but I just want to know every thing there is to know about the future.
Do I still play on my Nintendo DS and if not what is the coolest video game system?
How many kids do I have?
I know I'm going to sound silly for asking this but are there flying cars and vans and busses?
I'm going to have to end this post know but don't let go of your child hood.
life lesson: don't let go of your child hood
i commented on christians post U is for Uncumfertible sanddles
Friday, April 30, 2010
m is for miracle worker
When Annie get to the Keller's house Helen gets a doll from Annie and Annie goes to her room and "teaches" her how to spell doll d,o,l,l even though Helen doesn't know what it means. But Annie's job doesn't start on a good note, Helen hits Annie in the face with her new doll, then at lunch she has a tantrum and she goes crazy so she wrecks almost every thing.
Then Annnie gets the idea to take Helen away from her parents so she won't count on them to stop Annie and so she will have to depend on Annie. Annie teaches her new words every day but her time is short she only has 2 weeks to open Helens mind to the world and under stand every thing.
At the end of tghe week Annie and Helen go back to the Kellers house and its like nothing happened and we go back to square one untill Helen is taken to the water pump and feels the water running then she says "wah wah" and then she under stands EVERY THING.
life lesson: never give up
I commented on kyle's blog
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
g is for graphic novel

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
f is for fruit
Now to interact with the readers of this post I want to know what is your favorite fruit? Please put your answer in the comment section along with you comment. Anyway back to the fruit the one problem there is with fruit they can get bruised if you drop them. If you know any fruit that don't get bruised if they fall please tell me. The fruit known for its easy bruising is the banana so be careful with them.
life lesson: be careful with bananas
i comented on: hannah's post g is for green
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
c is for candy
which do you like better? Brown or wight chocolate? But after the sugar rush you get a crash (get tired) and want to lie down do nothing. You'll never know when the crash will happen it could happen any time from 12 min to 2 hours after you have the candy and or chocolate so beware the crash. If you have to much candy\chocolate you will get a upset stomach and\or sick.
life lesson beware the crash
i have commented on emmas post
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
b is for bath why?
B is for bath. Why would anyone want to talk a bath? In the bathtub you are swimming in your own filth and you can pee in it where in a shower you can't. Now I know there are reasons why people take baths but when you are at least 9 you should be taking showers (if people are still taking baths I don't mean to offend you). I've been taking showers since I was 9 and these are some reasons why I like showers instead of baths.
- in baths you need to dunk your head in the water where in showers you are in a flow of water.
- in baths you sit down where as in showers you are standing up
- showers are quicker then baths
There are some reasons why baths are better then showers. In showers you can slip, in baths you can't because you sit down. In showers if someone forgets you are in there and flushes the toilet the water gets hotter. Showers can ether be too hot or too cold baths are just right. In baths you don't need put that spacial body wash in showers in baths you need to put on soup.
life lesson: don't slip in the shower
i have commented on Erika